This fellow was intent on pedaling a peeler, seed scraper tool. He would peel a fine sliver of cheese, offer it to whomever was standing next to him and if they refused, (which was every single time I saw him offer,) he popped the morsel in his mouth. From the contented look of him, he works a lot!
This couple is a fixture at the market and make and sell jewelery and other oriental pieces.

This young man was touting the freshness of his piglets and rabbits and they must be.. he was busy!
Concentrating on slicing a wheel of cheese. Drat! I can't remember what kind! Sorry!

One of my favorites! I call him Baconator!
I have tons more and will post more tomorrow! I love the market! Yaay!
That was very interesting. The baconator, pretty good.
ReplyDeleteThe good old ceovent market?!?
ReplyDeleteGreat photos! The guy peddling the peeler was just making sure his product was always fresh. :-D
ReplyDeleteThis is a very interesting market. I wish they had one like it around here, Lucy. Thanks for letting me tag along on your visit there! I look forward to more.
ReplyDeleteHi Carol! This is the market way out Dundas East... past Airport Road? You should go if you haven't been yet!
ReplyDeleteLooks great. I hoped to get up to the Italian market in the Bronx, but haven't made it yet. Not going probably saved me five pounds.
ReplyDeleteI have never had pea meal bacon, but have been told there is none better. I hope to have the opportunity to try it one day.